News of the bulk spirits and alcohols sector

News and market trends

Check out the most relevant news and highlights in the current economic situation of the international market for alcohols and spirits in bulk. Do not miss the latest trends.
January 30, 2020

Broadly speaking, whiskey is an alcoholic beverage that is obtained by the distillation of fermented malt (any germinated grain, mainly barley or rye, which has subsequently dried) which is acquired from a process called “malting.” The first legal record of this distillate dates back to the 17th century, although there are even older references in […]

May 20, 2015

The word Whisky (as it is written in England and Canada) or Whiskey (as they prefer in Ireland and U.S.), as most of you already know, refers to the alcoholic beverage that is distilled from a mash of fermented grains, mainly barley, corn, wheat and rye; after one or several distillations it is aged in wooden barrels, traditionally of […]